Doctors Share a Belly Map That Reveals What Can Make Your Stomach Hurt – Kalib9 Lifestyle | Knongsrok

Doctors Share a Belly Map That Reveals What Can Make Your Stomach Hurt

Abdominal pain is one of the most common health conditions — we all experience it from time to time. There are plenty of different reasons for pain in this area which is why it’s crucial to properly identify the problem in order to treat it in the best way possible.

Bright Side wants to share the belly map with you to help you figure out what’s making your stomach hurt.

1. The right upper abdomen

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This part of your belly contains your gallbladder and liver, so the most common causes of pain in this area are usually connected with these organs.

If you experience sudden, severe pain that radiates into your right shoulder and appears after eating a heavy, fatty meal, you probably have gallstones.

Sharp pains or dull cramps that spread to your right shoulder or back and last for several hours may indicate cholecystitis or the inflammation of your gallbladder.

A dull ache or a sharp pain that might come and go usually indicates that you suffer from hepatitis, an inflammatory condition of your liver.

2. The middle upper abdomen

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This part of your belly includes your duodenum, the first section of the small intestine, and a large part of your pancreas.

If you often experience pain that radiates into your back and gets aggravated by eating, especially foods that are high in fat, this may be a sign of pancreatitis.

Severe pain and tenderness in this area accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal swelling may be due to an epigastric hernia.

A burning feeling in your chest along with symptoms like a cough, sore throat, an acidic taste in your mouth, excessive gas, nausea, vomiting, and bloating usually indicates heartburn or dyspepsia.

If you suffer from heartburn that gets worse when you lean over or lie down along with chest pain and belching, you probably have a hiatal hernia.

Pain that can get worse between meals or in the middle of the night and can be eased by eating may be a symptom of duodenal ulcers.

3. The left upper abdomen

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The biggest part of your stomach is concentrated in your left upper abdomen, so any unusual feelings in this area typically indicate problems with this organ.

Severe, nagging pain that is accompanied by nausea or vomiting may be a sign of gastritis or the inflammation of your stomach.

Burning pain that is usually more intense when your stomach is empty may be caused by stomach ulcers.

4. The right and left abdomen

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Your kidneys are located in the right and left parts of your belly on each side of the spine. Sometimes pain in these areas can also be caused by problems with your large intestine.

Pain in your side that radiates into your back and is accompanied by fever, chills, diarrhea, and nausea can be a sign that you’re suffering from a kidney infection.

Severe pain that radiates into your lower abdomen and comes in waves indicates kidney stones. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, fever, a persistent need to urinate, and blood in your urine.

Pain with or without bloating appearing along with hard and dry stool that’s difficult to pass may be a symptom of constipation.

5. The middle abdomen

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Any uncomfortable feelings in this part of your belly are closely connected to the problems in your small and large intestines.

Abdominal pain and cramping that are accompanied by severe diarrhea, fatigue, fever, and weight loss indicate inflammatory bowel disease.

If you experience pain along with vomiting, diarrhea and an inability to pass gas or stool, it may be an early sign of a small intestinal obstruction.

painful swelling or bulge near your navel that usually causes abdominal discomfort is called an umbilical hernia.

painful swelling or bulge near your navel that usually causes abdominal discomfort is called an umbilical hernia.

6. The left abdomen

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Besides your left kidney, this area also contains your descending colon that can get infected or inflamed because of an unhealthy diet, aging, and some other common causes.

Constant and persistent pain along with abdominal tenderness, fever, nausea, and vomiting are the most typical symptoms of diverticulitis or the inflammation of your descending colon.

7. The right lower abdomen

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This part of your abdomen includes the appendix, a small organ that stores useful bacteria, promotes good digestion and supports your immune system.

Sharp pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and fever are the most common symptoms of appendicitis or the inflammation of your appendix which requires immediate medical treatment.

8. The middle lower abdomen

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Your bladder and reproductive organs are located in this part of your belly.

Abdominal cramping, a burning feeling when you pee, and changes in the color of your urine may indicate a bladder infection.

Sudden and severe pelvic pain that can last for months is also a common symptom of some problems with your reproductive organs.

9. The left lower abdomen

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A huge part of your large intestine is located here, that’s why if you have some problems with this organ, you’ll most likely experience pain in your left lower abdomen.

Abdominal pain that is accompanied by cramping, bloating, excess gas, diarrhea or constipation could be symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

The information presented in the article is for informative purposes only. Don’t forget to consult your doctor first if you experience any kind of abdominal pain.

Have you ever suffered from a stomach ache? Did you have a medical examination? Share your experience with us in the comments!

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