8 Home First-Aid Kit Rules We Often Ignore, and It Can Affect Our Health – Kalib9 Lifestyle | Knongsrok

8 Home First-Aid Kit Rules We Often Ignore, and It Can Affect Our Health

We are almost sure that there is no family that doesn’t have some kind of first-aid kit. Some have a small number of the most necessary medications, some have several boxes of different pills. But in any case, everyone should know the main rules for storing medicine.

We at Bright Side decided to put together a list of the biggest mistakes people make when handling medicine and share them with you.

8. Keeping the medicine in the fridge in the wrong way

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Some medications should be stored in cold temperatures and the fridge is the best place for that. However, the doors are not the best option. The temperature of the doors is several degrees higher and it fluctuates because they are opened so often. So, it’s best if you create a separate shelf for your medications.

In order to protect the medications from temperature fluctuations and humidity is to keep them in a container. But don’t put it too close to the back of the fridge because liquid medications can freeze there, which can be harmful.

7. Throwing away the package, with the instructions

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We believe that everyone has experienced a situation where they buy a pack of pills and the manual just disappears. Well, this is a bad thing.

Yes, you can find the expiration date on the pack, but the other important information is gone. The manual can also help you decide if you really need this medication and the package protects it from the light.

6. Forgetting about the expiration date

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Usually, the expiration date is calculated for a closed product. But if you have already opened the package, the shelf time changes and you can find this information in the manual. This is especially true for liquid medications. For example, if you have an open bottle of eyedrops, you should change them at least once a month, otherwise, they can be dangerous.

Storing medicine in a place that children have access to and where there is a lot of light

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Medications should not be stored in places with a lot of light — like, on top of cabinets or tables. In this environment, they lose their effectiveness. Additionally, if you store them this way, small children can have access to them.

So, it’s best if you put all medications in a special container with a lock and hide it in a cabinet where children can’t access it. Remember that the first aid kit should be inaccessible for children.

4. Disposing of medicine in the wrong way

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The best way to throw away medication at home is to put it in a plastic bag or a jar and then dispose of it. In some countries, there is a way to bring medications that you don’t need to a special place or a clinic. There, they will be disposed of properly.

3. Not organizing your first-aid kid very often

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If you keep your first-aid kit organized, you can find all the necessary medication quickly, and you can be sure that it is safe. So, throw away all the expired pills and the medications without their packaging, even if you are sure that they can be used. Liquid and cream-like medications should also be thrown away if they’ve changed color, or if you can see some visible particles in them.

Try to separate all the medications you take and the medications you don’t take. Put them in different containers on different shelves. Store the medications in their original packages, otherwise there is a chance you could take the wrong drug.

2. Not using more modern products

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We are accustomed to trusting the medications that have withstood the test of time. But now, there are others that are either more modern or more convenient to use. This is especially important if you have small children at home. For example, instead of using a regular bottle of alcohol and cotton, you can use an alcohol wipe.

Many people take the same medications for years and don’t even realize that there are more effective ones on the market. However, in order to be sure, you should consult your doctor.

1. Violating the storage conditions

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All pills, capsules, and band-aids lose their effect if they absorb moisture. So don’t keep them in the bathroom, even if it’s in a cabinet with doors. The kitchen is also not the best place for storing medication.

Constant temperature fluctuations and humidity don’t have a positive influence on the quality of drugs. This is especially true for cabinets near the oven, kettle, or radiators. It’s best to store medications in the bedroom or the living room.

If the temperature inside your apartment is hotter than usual, you should know that this reduces the expiration date of any medication. So, check your first-aid kit for medication that you should throw away.


Things you should have in your first-aid kit: anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac). Also, buy medications to restore water balance, if you have diarrhea or if you vomit. Band-aids and something for burns are also necessary things. All other medications should be bought only as you need them.

Close all the packages well: Medications can absorb whatever is in the air, evaporate, or oxidize through contact with the air. Keep any medications that have a strong smell separate from the others.

If you are prescribed an exact dose of medication, you should use special pill cutters. They will help you cut the pill in exactly the way you need to. Remember that capsules should not be opened because they are supposed to protect the medicine from dissolving in the stomach (for pills that should be in the intestines).

Have you made any of these mistakes? Tell us in the comment section below.

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