100 Farewell Message to a Friend Going Abroad – Kalib9 Lifestyle | Knongsrok

100 Farewell Message to a Friend Going Abroad

People travel abroad for different reasons. It could be a temporal visit or a more permanent situation. People travel for their studies, to find greener pastures, get a better health care, give birth and other things.

It is always exciting when a friend gets an opportunity to go overseas for one reason or another, it's always a nice thing to encourage and wish our friends well as they travel and bid them goodnight.

Here are some farewell messages for a friend travelling abroad.

Farewell Messages for a Friend travelling Abroad for Greener Pastures

GoodBye Messages for a Friend Moving Abroad for Better Living.

1. As you journey overseas for a better life, I pray lines fall for you in pleasant places, farewell my friend.

2. May this big move you are making turn out to be as exciting and as rewarding as you hope for, have a safe trip abroad and goodbye.

3. I pray your travels abroad for greener pastures yield very good results, take care of yourself and goodbye.

4. Work hard and do your best at this new opportunity, may the good Lord favour you always. Till we see again, have a safe trip.

5. Have a safe trip to your land of greener pastures, stay well my friend.

6. As you move overseas for a better life, I pray you have a smooth journey and most importantly settle in nicely. Goodbye, my dear friend.

7. This is definitely not the end of our friendship but you going overseas to make a better living, remain blessed and have a good trip.

8. The moment you took this decision, I knew that there are better days ahead for you. Have the best of everything this new country has to offer.

9. May those foreign currencies fill your bank account real soon dear, farewell my friend.

10. Never forget who you are and what you are going there for. A safe trip abroad, dear.

11. May this new country you are going to welcome you with open arms and help all your dreams come true, goodbye and all the best.

12. May this new country gift you lots of opportunities for a better life. Good luck my dear.

13. May this new country you are going to be to you as a land flowing with milk and honey, all the best to you.

14. You can do anything when you believe in yourself. Go over there and be great, stay safe.

15. Let your trip abroad for greener pastures be nothing short of successful, amen. Farewell, my friend.

16. May this new journey of financial freedom be everything you prayed for. Safe trip.

17. I believe in you, go over there and win. goodbye for now.

18. May this move abroad open doors of beautiful opportunities for you. Safe trip dear.

19. May your expectations for a better life not be cut short, amen. safe trip dear and farewell.

20. My best prayers and wishes are with you as you go abroad for a better life. Have a safe trip.

Farewell Messages for a Friend Travelling Abroad for education

1. I'm thrilled that you got a chance to travel abroad for your education, I'm praying for you, safe trip and goodbye.

2. The news of your travel abroad to further your education is quite encouraging, make the best results dear, farewell.

3. I expect nothing but the best from your trip abroad to continue your education, be safe.

4. I'm glad that you are finally on this part to becoming an international student, I wish you the very best.

5. Wow, finally your dreams of studying overseas is a reality, have a safe trip and do your very best.

6. It's sad that you are leaving but I'm excited that you get this chance to study abroad. Stay focused and be safe. Goodbye for now.

7. I wish you success in all your academic endeavours abroad, goodbye.

8. A course of your choice in a university of your choice in this new country you have always raved about. I'm way too excited for you, have a wonderful stay there.

9. You are one lucky chap to be able to study abroad. I believe in you, make me proud. Safe trip and farewell.

10. I know this is a dream come true for you; studying abroad, make sure you show the world what you have got, goodbye dear.

11. As you take this step to continue your education abroad, I pray for success in all your academic endeavours. Safe trip dear.

12. You got what you deserve, a chance to study abroad, give it your best dear, goodbye.

13. You are brilliant and smart, go over there and top your class. Safe journey.

14. You have always wanted this; to study abroad, now you have it. Make sure you give it your best shot.

15. I already know you will make an amazing result, don't let me down, have a safe trip abroad.

16. I will miss you for the time being. Do have a wonderful time studying abroad.

17. I'm proud of your new status as a foreign student, make me proud. Goodbye till you come.

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18. I will miss you here but for now, have an amazing time as you study abroad.

19. Do have a successful stay abroad as you travel for your education. Goodbye.

20. I expect you to be at your best always. Have a beautiful time studying abroad.

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Farewell Messages for a Friend Travelling Abroad for Vacation.

1. Don't forget to take lots of pictures on this vacation trip. Have a good time.

2. You are going on another vacation abroad without me, kidding... have lots of fun.

3. I hope you find all the peace and quiet you seek on this vacation, goodbye dear.

4. You have worked so hard, you deserve to rest, have a beautiful vacation abroad. Come back soon.

5. You turn every quick trip abroad into a vacation, lol. So have lots of fun...

6. I hope you find lots of adventures on your vacation trip abroad, farewell dear.

7. Wake up to beautiful sunrises every day of your vacation abroad, farewell my dear.

8. Have an amazing vacation trip, buy me lots of gifts when you are coming back though, lol...

9. Get drunk and have plenty hangover, haha. Do have a beautiful vacation. Be safe and goodbye.

10. It's not enough that you will be gone for a month, I won't go with you too. Well have fun for two and have an amazing vacation abroad.

11. Your love for adventures is exciting, I hope you have adventures on this trip. Farewell.

12. All I ask is this; bring me back a souvenir. Have an amazing vacation abroad.

13. I hope this vacation is filled with loads of fun and laughter. Farewell dear.

14. Get all the rest you should and have fun too on this vacation, goodbye dear.

15. Don't forget to visit all the places we talked about, have a fun vacation.

16. I hope you have very beautiful moments of your trip abroad for this vacation trip. Be safe.

17. I know how excited you always are when you take vacation trips abroad, well on this trip, I wish you loads of exciting adventures. Be safe and see you soon.

18. Remember to try out new things on this trip, have fun dear and farewell.

19. I want to see every day of your vacation abroad in pictures, don't disappoint me, have fun.

20. Have all the fun you can on this vacation trip abroad because when you get home, I will give you plenty trouble. Bye for now.

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Farewell Messages for a Friend Travelling Abroad for Childbirth.

1. I'm sure I will welcome you home in no time with your healthy baby, have a safe trip abroad.

2. Have a safe trip abroad and an even smoother childbirth.

3. You won't just have a safe trip abroad but also an amazing safe delivery.

4. I know you will be a great mom, just take this trip abroad and give us our beautiful baby.

5. As you take this trip abroad to go give birth, I pray God sees you through the entire birth process and bring you and the baby safely back.

6. The moment is almost upon you, I can't wait to see you and the baby soon. Have a safe trip abroad.

7. Wish you a fun birth process if there's anything like that, have a safe trip too.

8. Remain positive and everything will be just fine. Have a safe birth abroad dear.

9. You are strong dear, go over there and have a safe birth. I cannot wait to see the baby.

10. These past months have built up to this, you are about to take a trip abroad to bring forth this baby you have carried in your womb, I'm happy for you dear. Have a safe trip.

11. Just like yesterday, you told me about the pregnancy. I can't wait to see your baby. Safe trip dear.

12. I have watched you cry, laugh, get tired and find strength again, all that is ending soon. As you travel abroad for your delivery, may God be with you.

13. Life begins at each birth; I cannot wait to hear all about your safe delivery. Have a safe trip abroad.

14. Looking forward to meeting the new baby soon enough, have a safe trip abroad.

15. I have no doubt in my heart that you will have a very safe delivery. I can't wait to see you and the new baby. Safe trip.

16. I remember all the times we talked about childbirth, now you get to experience the real deal, have a safe delivery abroad.

17. The next time I will see you, it will be with the baby. Farewell as you travel abroad for the delivery of your baby.

18. I will miss your beautiful baby bump but not so much, I want to see the baby soon. Have a safe trip abroad.

19. Wow, in a few weeks, you will become a mom. I can't wait to see you and your baby. Have a safe delivery abroad.

20. I wish I will be there to hold your hand during the birth process. Nonetheless, I wish you a very safe delivery abroad.

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Farewell Messages for a Friend Travelling Abroad for Health Care.

1. I believe you are healed already, this is just a formal trip to keep your mind at rest. Have a safe trip abroad and see you soon.

2. As you go for your routine check-up abroad, I wish you a safe journey, farewell.

3. I hope to see you soon healthy and hearty. Have a safe trip abroad.

4. A safe trip abroad dear as you go to take extra care of your health.

5. I'm already planning a welcome party for you, you are healed already. Have a safe trip abroad.

6. As scary as those test results are, I know you will get through this, farewell and have a safe trip abroad.

7. No pressure dear, you are going to be alright. Have a safe trip abroad.

8. Don't over worry yourself, just take this trip and let God do this rest.

9. More grace and strength to you as you go overseas for your health care.

10. It's that time of the year you go for your medical check-up, goodbye and have a safe trip.

11. It's your final surgery abroad, farewell and be safe, all the best.

12. I believe you will be just fine, no need to over think anything. Just rest and take all your medication. Have a safe trip abroad.

13. As you go abroad for another doctor's appointment, I hope you get the desired result. Safe trip.

14. I hope you feel much better when you get back from your hospital trip abroad.

15. I wish you a speedy recovery as you go overseas for a better medical care. Farewell and safe trip.

16. I will give you a hug when you get back, but for now, do have a safe trip abroad for your medical checkup.

17. May God's healing touch come upon you on this trip for your health. Farewell.

18. Looking forward to seeing you back soon all healthy, farewell and have a safe trip.

19. I will miss you but I need you to go and take very good care of yourself. Goodbye and have a nice trip.

20. I will take away your pain and hurt if I could, but I know you will be pretty well in no time. Be safe and goodbye.

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