

12 Types of Planks for Each Muscle Group That Can Replace a Gym Membership

By Shield

May 30, 2019

Most of the time, fitness coaches teach the classic variant of planks on elbows or on straight arms. They consider this static exercise to be great for stamina and for improving the abs. But as it turns out, the plank has dozens of variations that can involve almost every part of the body including the back, buttocks, calves, shoulders, and different muscles. The training itself can be very dynamic.

Bright Side has reviewed a bunch of fitness manuals and extracted the most effective kinds of planks that are as useful as possible. You should mix and match the variations depending on how much physical activity you regularly take part in. Do each type for about 15-30 seconds and increase the time gradually to 2 minutes.

1. Plank walk-down

This kind of plank puts your biceps, back muscles, and abs to work.

2. Side plank toe touches

This exercise trains the shoulder and hip muscles.

3. Side plank knee-to-elbow

Aside from the muscles that worked in the previous exercise, the buttocks come into play here too.

4. Tom Cruise plank

This kind of plank trains the entire body: the forearms and the shoulders, the calves, the hips, and the abs.

5. Walking plank on straight arms

This exercise develops the back muscles and the shoulders.

6. Side jumps on straight arms

This plank tones the hips, buttocks, and calves, along with the back muscles.

7. Plank on one arm

This exercise develops the shoulder muscles.

8. Side-to-side plank

This kind of plank uses the back muscles, buttocks, and hips.

9. Lifting legs

This variant makes the abs, buttocks, and biggest back muscles work really hard.

10. Sliding back and forth

This exercise makes your calves, biceps, and abs much stronger.

11. Rotating plank

This exercise develops the back muscles and the legs.

12. Plank with tension

This plank develops your core muscles.

Which exercise do you think is the most effective and why?

Illustrated Natalia Tylosova for BrightSide.me