How Computers and SmartPhones Are Ruining Your Skin – Kalib9 Lifestyle | Knongsrok

How Computers and SmartPhones Are Ruining Your Skin

People tend to overlook the negative effects of the things they are obsessed with. Today’s generation is so addicted to computers and smartphones that they remain oblivious to the various skin problems these devices can generate.

Computers are made using many dangerous chemicals and heavy metals. For instance, lead can be found in the glass of monitors. Some CRT monitors can have up to 2.2kg of lead depending on the glass used to make them. Those who get into regular contact with such monitors can be poisoned with lead through skin absorption or fumes. This can end up affecting the reproductive system, nervous system, and kidneys of a human being. In a child, even very low levels of lead can damage their mental development.

Another poisonous element in computers is mercury, which is usually found in internal switches and circuit boards. Mercury poisoning can end up causing skin discoloration and burning. The brain and kidneys can also be affected. Pregnant women must be very careful about this since mercury poisoning can affect the development of the fetus. Mercury can also be transferred to infants through breast milk.


Excessive use of smartphones can cause the collagen in the neck to break down, since people are constantly looking down at the screens. This can result in the infamous “turkey-looking” necks. The only way to avoid the issue is to hold the phone at eye level at all times. People who converse on their phones for several hours on a regular basis stand to develop dark spots on the skin. To avoid such consequences, you should hold the phone away from your face when having a conversation. This can be done by using a Bluetooth device.  



If the fonts on the phone are set too small, you will have to squint your eyes to read it properly. Over time, wrinkles can appear around the eye region. Some people might also end up with “crow’s feet” where wrinkles are etched in the corner of their eyes. Making the fonts bigger can help deal with the issue. Acne breakouts are also a big risk from smartphone use. Since the phone can contain several types of germs, these microbes come into contact with your face when you talk through the phone, eventually causing acne breakouts.

A smartphone exposes a person’s skin to blue light that can penetrate the dermis and make the skin fragile and thicker. “In particular, it seems to affect people with olive skin and darker skin tones more than people with very fair skin… I suspect that the amount of blue light energy coming out of sunlight on a hot sunny day is going to be more than that coming from your phone — but I would think that it’s the chronic exposure from phones that might have an impact,” Dr. Andrew Birnie, a consultant dermatologist and skin cancer specialist, said to the Daily Mail.  

To counter the negative skin effects of computers and smartphones, it is essential that you eat foods that promote skin health. Avocado aids in the creation of collagen that keeps your skin healthy and strong. The fats in avocado also contribute to making your skin springy and supple.


Soy contains plant compounds called Isoflavones. A study found that eating soy Isoflavones once a day for about 8-12 weeks improved the elasticity of the skin and reduced wrinkles. Collagen production is also boosted.

Consuming sunflower seeds is an excellent way to offer nutrients to the skin. These seeds contain vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant for the skin and keeps it healthy. One ounce of sunflower seeds contains close to 37 percent of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin E. 


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