

11 Shoulder Exercises That Would Make Arnold Schwarzenegger Proud of You

By Shield

September 25, 2019

Shoulders are the first place to get hurt and the last place to get big, according to fitness trainers. But with time, dedication, and the right attitude it’s possible to grow lean and defined muscles. The key principle is to engage all the shoulder muscles and not forget about the proper exercise technique. Always perform a warm up before a workout to prevent injuries!

We at Bright Side prepared some exercises that can help enhance your shoulder strength and improve your appearance and posture. Incorporate them into your workout routine and you’ll see the results pretty soon.

1. Arnold press

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The Arnold press is an effective exercise that engages all 3 sections of your shoulder. It’ll contribute to muscle gain and help stabilize the shoulder joint.

It’s better to perform this exercise on a bench with back support to minimize the risk of injuries. Some people perform this exercise standing up, but you should be careful if you have lower back problems or you’re not sure that you’ll be able to maintain the proper posture during the exercise.

2. Upright row

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The upright row targets the middle and front part of the deltoids and the trapezius muscle, so it helps make the shoulders look more round and wide.

You can replace the barbell with dumbbells or use a cable machine with a straight bar.

3. Lateral raise

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The lateral raise is a great exercise to hit the lateral deltoids, which is the part of the shoulder that makes them look broader.

As you become more experienced, you can try to rotate your arms to engage different parts of the shoulder muscles.

4. Barbell front raise

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The barbell front raise primarily focuses on the front part of the shoulder, but it also engages the upper chest muscles and the sides of the shoulder.

It’s better to lie on the bench while performing this exercise to improve the range of motion and prevent possible injuries.

5. Inclined bench press

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The inclined bench press activates the front part of the shoulders and doesn’t put too much pressure on the rotator cuff. As a bonus, it helps your chest muscles grow as well.

You can replace the dumbbells with a barbell.

6. Barbell bent over row

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The barbell bent over row is a basic compound exercise that engages your back and shoulder muscles making them wider and stronger.

You can perform the exercise with the dumbbells or use different variations of hand grips.

7. Shrugs

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Shrugs work the trapezius muscle that will make your spine and shoulders look wider and more muscular.

You can replace dumbbells with a barbell, bands, or use a cable machine.

8. Bent over reverse fly

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The bent over reverse fly targets the back part of your shoulders and helps improve your posture and the performance of other shoulder exercises.

You can perform this exercise on a bench or using a special row-rear delt machine.

9. Dips

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Dips are a compound exercise that activate the shoulder and chest muscles while also engaging your back.

If you can’t perform a dip with the right technique, you can use a machine for assisted dips. If your muscles are strong enough, you can perform this exercise with additional weight.

10. Standing rope face pull

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The standing rope face pull works your rear delts without putting excessive pressure on your joints.

It’s important to maintain the proper technique while you perform this exercise. This is to make sure you work mostly your delts and not your back muscles.

11. Knee roll-out

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The knee roll-out exercise is an additional exercise that works your entire body and helps stabilize shoulder muscles and joints.

You may not be able to roll all the way down to the floor at first, but just go as far as you can without arching your back.

Do you use any of these exercises in your workout routine? Which technique works best for you? Share your photos with the results of your training in the comments below!

Illustrated by Alena Tsarkova for BrightSide.me