Comic: A girl sweating profusely, with a speech bubble saying, "I'm not sweating, I'm just glistening with anxiety."
Comic: A girl with frizzy, unmanageable hair, captioned, "When you finally master the perfect hairstyle, but humidity has other plans."
Comic: A girl with a lobster-red sunburn, saying, "I wanted a summer glow, not a crispy critter vibe."
Comic: A girl with a band-aid on her inner thigh, captioned, "When you forget to wear shorts with a lining and pay the price."
Comic: A girl with sand in every crevice, saying, "I'm not sure what's more exhausting, the beach trip or the sand-removal process."
Comic: A girl melting like the wicked witch of the west, captioned, "When the heat index is higher than your patience level."
Comic: A girl with melted makeup, saying, "I spent an hour perfecting my look, and 5 minutes outside undid it all."
Comic: A girl struggling to put on a swimsuit, captioned, "When you finally work up the courage to wear a bikini, but it has other plans."
Comic: A girl surrounded by bugs, saying, "I'm not sure what's worse, the sunburn or the mosquito bites."
Comic: A split-screen comic, with a girl lounging by the pool on one side (expectation) and a girl sweating and stressed on the other (reality), captioned, "When summer doesn't quite live up to your Instagram expectations."